A man named Shaji, a resident of Panangad in Ernakulam, has been arrested for posting misogynistic comments on actress Honey Rose’s Facebook post. Following a complaint filed by the actress, the police registered a case against 30 individuals involved in similar offensive remarks. The charges include non-bailable offenses and violations under the IT Act related to insulting womanhood. With assistance from the cyber cell, authorities identified the accused and apprehended Shaji, who will face further legal proceedings.
Honey Rose lodged her complaint with Kochi police after presenting the offensive comments. Acting promptly, the police, in coordination with the cyber cell, tracked down the culprits. The arrest comes amid ongoing harassment claims by the actress, who revealed that an individual had been persistently targeting her for declining invitations to his events. This person reportedly appeared at events she attended and publicly insulted her through media outlets using double-meaning language.
In a social media post, Honey Rose explained her decision to address the harassment, stating she typically ignores such behavior from individuals with problematic tendencies. However, she felt compelled to take a stand against this harassment as an act of defiance. It was under this post that the misogynistic remarks were made, prompting her to seek legal action against the offenders.
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