As part of Mission Rojgar, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will launch the Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Vikas Abhiyan on UP Diwas, January 24, to promote youth entrepreneurship. The MSME department will provide interest- and guarantee-free loans of up to Rs 5 lakh for four years to help young entrepreneurs establish industries. To ensure effective implementation, economic experts, chartered accountants (CAs), and retired bank officials will be stationed in every district to assist applicants from the application stage to project execution.
The initiative is fully digitized to align with Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s vision of transparency and efficiency. Aspiring entrepreneurs can apply online through the MSME department’s portal, which offers resources such as 400 project reports and nearly 600 business ideas. Principal Secretary Alok Kumar emphasized that the deployment of experts eliminates favoritism and provides critical support to youth at every step of the process. Additionally, two CM Fellows and computer operators will be assigned to every district to enhance the scheme’s outreach and impact.
The scheme will be implemented in two phases. In the first phase, eligible candidates who repay their initial loans will qualify for a second phase, allowing them to secure loans of up to Rs 10 lakh. For loans up to Rs 7.5 lakh, a 50% interest subsidy will be provided for three years. This marks the first time Uttar Pradesh has introduced a comprehensive, expert-backed program for youth employment and entrepreneurship, aiming to streamline processes and empower young innovators across the state.