The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has launched searches across 19 locations tied to former Bihar minister and RJD leader Alok Kumar Mehta in a probe into irregularities in loan disbursement from Vaishali Urban Development Cooperative Bank. The investigation covers properties in Bihar, Delhi, Kolkata, and Uttar Pradesh, including Mehta’s Patna residence. Allegations center on Rs 60 crore in loans issued using forged documents, implicating bank officials, including Mehta, who served as its chairman until 2012.
The Vaishali Urban Development Bank, founded by Mehta’s father, Tulsi Das Mehta, has faced scrutiny since 2015, when the RBI uncovered violations and ceased its operations. Mehta distanced himself from the bank in 2012, but the ED is investigating loans allegedly issued to associates of the Mehta family under false pretenses. This comes amid broader allegations of financial misconduct within RJD ranks, drawing criticism from JD(U) leader Neeraj Kumar, who labeled such activities as a recurring issue in the party.
This development follows similar ED actions last year against RJD figures linked to corruption cases, including illegal sand mining and the land-for-job scam. Critics argue that such cases tarnish the party’s reputation, while Mehta’s close association with RJD chief Lalu Prasad and speculation about his elevation within the party add political dimensions to the ongoing investigation.
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