Actor Rashmika Mandanna, known for her roles in films like Pushpa 2: The Rule, Animal, and Geetha Govindam, recently revealed she injured her leg while working out. Sharing a post on Instagram, the 28-year-old confirmed the injury with a picture of her plastered leg, humorously referring to her gym as her “sacred shrine.” She expressed hope for a quick recovery, apologizing for delays in filming her upcoming projects, Thama, Sikandar, and Kubera.
Mandanna, addressing her directors, assured them she would soon return to sets, albeit in “hop mode” until her leg heals. She added a touch of humor, saying she is currently perfecting her “advanced bunny hop workout” while ensuring her leg is fit for action. Despite the setback, she remained upbeat about resuming her professional commitments in the near future.
The actor’s latest release, Pushpa 2: The Rule, co-starring Allu Arjun, has shattered box office records, becoming India’s highest-grossing film with earnings of ?1,831 crore, as per Mythri Movie Makers. On Saturday, the production house released a 20-minute extended version of the movie, further thrilling fans of the blockbuster sequel to 2021’s Pushpa: The Rise.