Megastar Chiranjeevi celebrated Pongal with Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Union Minister G Kishan Reddy’s residence in Delhi. The event also saw the participation of badminton star PV Sindhu. The celebrations included a traditional welcome with drum performances, and a video captured Chiranjeevi walking behind the Prime Minister during the procession. Singer Sunitha performed at the event, adding to the festive spirit.
Prime Minister Modi shared photos from the celebrations on social media, mentioning his visit to G Kishan Reddy’s house and the cultural program organized for the occasion. He highlighted the significance of Sankranti and Pongal, festivals rooted in agricultural traditions, symbolizing gratitude, abundance, and renewal. Modi extended his wishes for happiness, good health, and a prosperous harvest season to all those celebrating.
The event also featured the lighting of a ceremonial lamp and a cultural program held in the Prime Minister’s honor. Modi watched the performances, emphasizing the importance of such traditions in bringing people together. Meanwhile, Chiranjeevi is preparing for the release of his upcoming film, *Vishwambhara*, further adding to the excitement surrounding his presence at the celebrations.