A 19-year-old newlywed woman from Malappuram, Shahana Mumtaz, tragically ended her life on Tuesday, January 14, allegedly due to persistent humiliation by her husband over her complexion. Shahana, a resident of Kondotti, was found hanging in her home at around 10 am. Her family has filed a police complaint, accusing her husband and his family of mental harassment that led to her death.
Shahana married Abdul Wahid from Morayoor on May 27, 2024. After their wedding, the couple moved abroad, but her family claims that Wahid repeatedly belittled her for her skin tone and inability to speak English. The mental abuse reportedly included derogatory comments and ongoing humiliation, which escalated into pressure for Shahana to end their marriage, causing her severe emotional distress.
Shahana had expressed concerns to her family about the challenges she might face after a potential divorce, adding to her anxiety. Following the complaint, the police have launched an investigation into the allegations against Wahid and his parents to determine their role in the events leading to her death.
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