Former Delhi Chief Minister and AAP national convenor Arvind Kejriwal filed his nomination for the Delhi Assembly elections, contesting from the New Delhi constituency. In his affidavit to the Election Commission, he declared assets worth ?1.73 crore, stating that he owns neither a house nor a car. His movable assets include ?3.46 lakh, while his immovable property, a flat in Ghaziabad, is valued at ?1.7 crore. Kejriwal’s annual income for 2023-24 dropped significantly to ?7.21 lakh, primarily from his MLA salary, compared to ?44.90 lakh in 2020.
Sunita Kejriwal, his wife and a retired government official, declared assets totaling ?2.5 crore. Her movable assets comprise ?1 crore, including gold and silver worth ?25.92 lakh, while her immovable property, a house in Gurugram, is valued at ?1.5 crore. Her annual income of ?14.10 lakh, derived from her pension, is double that of her husband. Together, the couple’s combined net worth stands at ?4.23 crore, showing consistent growth from ?3.4 crore in 2020 and ?2.1 crore in 2015.
Before filing his nomination, Kejriwal, accompanied by his wife, visited Hanuman and Valmiki temples to offer prayers. Addressing supporters, he emphasized his government’s work over political rhetoric. Kejriwal, who has held the New Delhi seat since 2013, faces a challenging election on February 5 against BJP’s Parvesh Verma and Congress’s Sandeep Dikshit. The results will be declared on February 8. He also disclosed 14 pending criminal cases against him in the affidavit.
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