Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times during an attempted burglary at his Bandra residence in the early hours of Thursday. The assailant, an unidentified intruder, entered his home and engaged in a physical altercation with the actor, resulting in six stab wounds, including two deep cuts, one dangerously close to his spinal cord. Saif was rushed to Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital at 3:30 am, where he is undergoing surgery under the care of a specialized medical team. Doctors have reported that the actor is out of danger.
Mumbai Police have launched an investigation to apprehend the suspect. Deputy Commissioner of Police Dixit Gedam confirmed the incident, stating that the actor was injured during a scuffle with the intruder, and efforts are underway to track the accused. Saif’s family members were reportedly present at the time of the attack. A statement from Saif’s team urged patience from the media and fans, emphasizing that the matter is under police investigation and updates will be provided as the situation evolves.
Lilavati Hospital issued a statement detailing Saif’s condition, revealing that his injuries required treatment by a team of specialists, including a neurosurgeon and a cosmetic surgeon. The attack comes months after an earlier incident involving alleged members of the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, who opened fire outside Saif’s residence, raising concerns about the actor’s safety.
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