Three teachers from Mopila Higher Secondary School in Kambil, Kannur, have been suspended following the suicide of Bhavath Manav EV, a plus two Science student. Bhavath was found hanging in his room on January 8, after his mother was called to the school earlier that day. His family alleges that the teachers’ abuse drove him to take this extreme step.
Bhavath’s mother, Sheeba, accused the teachers of physically assaulting her son due to his poor academic performance and untrimmed hair. She recalled a teacher’s remarks suggesting Bhavath needed to be beaten in front of her to improve his behavior. Sheeba also shared that her son often hesitated to attend school, indicating distress over his treatment there. The Mayyil Police have registered a case under Section 194 of the Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS) and are actively investigating the matter based on the family’s statements.
The incident has sparked protests led by the Students’ Federation of India (SFI) and the Muslim Students Federation (MSF), demanding action against the school authorities. Both organizations have voiced outrage over the allegations and urged authorities to ensure justice for the grieving family.
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