The ongoing Mahakumbh in Prayagraj, with over 7 crore devotees already participating, is witnessing an estimated 45 crore visitors this year. To manage the vast crowds and ensure safety, the Uttar Pradesh government has deployed an Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC), which plays a vital role in crowd control and surveillance. With the help of advanced technology, the ICCC monitors security, crowd flow, and crime prevention in real time, especially during peak events like Paush Purnima and Makar Sankranti’s Amrit Snan.
A total of 2,750 cameras have been installed across the fairground and the city, allowing authorities to track crowd density, manage traffic, and ensure fire safety. These cameras help direct people away from congested areas and keep an eye on critical locations, including parking lots, ghats, roads, and bridges. The system also uses AI-powered cameras to assist in decision-making, improving crowd management effectiveness by providing data-driven insights, although human oversight remains essential for coordination.
SP Amit Kumar, in charge of ICCC operations, emphasized the importance of real-time surveillance, noting that AI cameras enhance their capacity to monitor crowd movements and manage large-scale events. The cameras are particularly effective in managing crowd flow and responding to emergencies. With strategically placed cameras in sensitive areas, the authorities can continuously assess crowd density and adjust arrangements to prevent overcrowding, ensuring smooth operations and safety throughout the Mahakumbh.