The Mumbai Police have arrested the primary suspect in the stabbing of Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, marking a significant breakthrough in the case. The incident occurred early Thursday morning at Khan’s Bandra residence, ‘Satguru Sharan.’ During an apparent burglary attempt, the assailant stabbed the 54-year-old actor six times, including in the neck, before fleeing the scene. Khan was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where emergency surgery was performed, and doctors have confirmed that he is now on the path to recovery.
The attacker, described as a man in his late 30s, reportedly entered the apartment intending to rob Rs 1 crore. He confronted household staff and violently attacked Khan during the ensuing commotion. In addition to injuring the actor, the suspect also harmed a nurse and domestic help. CCTV footage from the building captured the assailant descending the stairs at 2:33 am, wearing a brown T-shirt and red scarf. This evidence proved instrumental in identifying him, leading to the formation of 20 police teams to track him down.
The arrest comes after an intense manhunt involving informants and technical surveillance. Investigators are now examining the suspect’s motives and background. Kareena Kapoor Khan, Khan’s wife, thanked fans for their support but requested privacy as the family recovers from the traumatic event. The actor’s family and fans are relieved by his steady recovery and the swift progress in the investigation, bringing hope for justice in this shocking case.