Mumbai: Realme has introduced a new neckband in India, the Realme Buds Wireless 5 ANC. The Realme Buds Wireless 5 ANC is priced at Rs. 1,799 in India. Sales are scheduled to begin at 12pm IST on January 23 via Amazon, Flipkart, the Realme India e-store, and offline retail stores. The neckband is available in three color options: Dawn Silver, Midnight Black, and Twilight Purple.
The Realme Buds Wireless 5 ANC features a 13.6mm dynamic bass driver and supports up to 50dB active noise cancellation (ANC) with three adaptive noise reduction levels. It includes environmental noise cancellation (ENC) and is compatible with the Realme Link application for adjusting EQ settings for noise cancellation modes.
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The headset supports a 360-degree spatial audio experience and meets the IP55 rating for dust and water resistance. It offers Bluetooth 5.4 connectivity and allows pairing with two devices simultaneously, featuring up to 45ms low latency.
Battery life is reportedly up to 38 hours with ANC turned off, and 20 hours with ANC active. A quick charge of 10 minutes is said to provide up to 20 hours of playback at 50 percent volume.
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