Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani and Reliance Foundation chairperson Nita Ambani attended a pre-swearing-in dinner with US President-elect Donald Trump in Washington DC, a day before his inauguration. The Ambanis, invited alongside other prominent Indian entrepreneurs, posed for pictures with Trump and global industry leaders during the event. Mukesh Ambani wore a black suit, while Nita Ambani opted for a black saree paired with an overcoat and emerald jewelry. Real estate entrepreneur Kalpesh Mehta shared photos from the evening, describing it as a “fun night” with the Ambanis at the inaugural event.
The Ambanis were also invited to Trump’s swearing-in ceremony and a reception dinner hosted by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Mukesh Ambani, one of the world’s richest individuals, is expected to have a prominent place on the dais during the event, alongside Trump’s Cabinet nominees and key elected officials. Other global business leaders, including Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, were also in attendance at the dinner, which highlighted Trump’s connection with prominent figures across various sectors.
Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 47th President of the United States in an indoor ceremony, a rare move due to extreme cold weather in Washington DC. This marks the first indoor Presidential inauguration since 1985. The day’s schedule includes a traditional church service, White House tea, the swearing-in at the Capitol, and Trump’s inaugural address. Indian external affairs minister S Jaishankar will represent India at the event, which will also be attended by global figures such as Elon Musk, Sundar Pichai, Mark Zuckerberg, Kamala Harris, and Hillary Clinton.