Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for emphasizing the cultural, social, and spiritual significance of Mahakumbh 2025 during his “Mann Ki Baat” address. Calling it a living symbol of India’s unity, CM Yogi highlighted that under PM Modi’s leadership, Mahakumbh in Prayagraj is showcasing India’s rich cultural heritage on a global stage. He noted the increasing participation of youth, inspired by PM Modi’s call to embrace their civilization and culture with pride, which aligns with the spirit of ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat.’
During his address, PM Modi reflected on the uniqueness of Mahakumbh, describing it as a festival that transcends caste, economic, and other barriers. He highlighted how people from all walks of life gather at the sacred Sangam, where everyone, regardless of status, takes a holy dip, shares meals, and receives prasad, embodying the spirit of equality and unity. PM Modi also linked Mahakumbh to similar cultural events like Pushkaram in South India, underscoring their role in strengthening India’s unity and sacred traditions across regions.
PM Modi expressed joy over the remarkable participation of youth in Mahakumbh, noting its extensive digital footprint and global recognition. He emphasized that when young people connect with their heritage, it strengthens their cultural roots and secures their future. Reflecting on other festivals like Gangasagar Mela, he highlighted their role in fostering social harmony and unity. He remarked that festivals such as Mahakumbh and Pushkaram not only celebrate spirituality but also reinforce India’s social, cultural, and economic fabric, in line with the values of Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha.