Mumbai police arrested a 30-year-old man on Sunday for stabbing Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan at his Bandra residence. Deputy Commissioner of Police Dixit Gedam revealed that the accused entered the actor’s home with the intent to commit robbery. Identified as Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad, the man is allegedly a Bangladeshi national who illegally entered India and assumed the alias Bijoy Das. The attack took place on January 16 at 2 am, leading to an FIR and the suspect’s subsequent arrest. He is expected to be presented in court as the investigation continues.
Initial findings indicate that the accused arrived in Mumbai 5-6 months ago and worked with a housekeeping agency. Authorities suspect his Bangladeshi origin due to a lack of valid Indian documents and evidence supporting his nationality, leading to charges under the Passport Act. Gedam stated that this appears to be the first time the accused entered Khan’s residence. The incident highlights the challenges of ensuring security for public figures and raises concerns about illegal immigration and identity fraud.
The shocking attack occurred early Thursday, where the intruder stabbed the 54-year-old actor multiple times inside his 12th-floor apartment. Khan was rushed to Lilavati Hospital for emergency surgery around 2:30 am and is reported to be recovering well. Doctors anticipate his discharge soon, offering relief to fans and family following this alarming incident.
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