A tragic paragliding accident in North Goa claimed the lives of a 27-year-old tourist, Shivani Dable from Pune, and her instructor, Sumal Nepali, a 26-year-old Nepalese national. The incident occurred on Saturday evening at Keri village when the paraglider crashed into a ravine shortly after takeoff. Police confirmed the accident took place around 5 pm on the Keri Plateau.
According to authorities, Dable had booked the activity with an adventure sports company that was operating illegally. The complaint states that the paraglider plummeted into the ravine due to safety lapses, resulting in the duo’s death on the spot. The mishap highlights concerns over the unregulated operations of such companies in the area.
A case has been registered at Mandrem police station against the company owner, Shekhar Raizada, under the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita for endangering human life. Police are investigating further to ensure accountability and prevent future accidents.