Senior BJP leader and former Union Minister Anurag Thakur unveiled the second part of the party’s manifesto for the 2025 Delhi Assembly Elections on Tuesday. The manifesto, known as the Sankalp Patra, promises free education from kindergarten to postgraduate level for needy students in all government institutions if the BJP comes to power. Additionally, the party has pledged financial assistance of Rs 15,000 for students preparing for competitive exams, and a monthly stipend of Rs 1,000 for Scheduled Caste students pursuing technical courses under the Bhimrao Ambedkar Stipend Scheme, which will cover polytechnics and skill centres across Delhi.
The BJP has also promised significant welfare measures for workers in the unorganized sector, including domestic helps and drivers. If elected, the party plans to provide domestic workers with Rs 10 lakh in life insurance coverage and Rs 5 lakh in accident insurance. Similarly, auto and taxi drivers will be covered under the same insurance scheme, and a welfare board dedicated to their interests will be established to address their issues and support their livelihoods. These measures are part of the BJP’s broader strategy to extend social security benefits to marginalized communities in the national capital.
In addition to its welfare initiatives, the BJP has vowed to launch a Special Investigation Team (SIT) probe into alleged irregularities and scams of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government. The party has also finalized its candidate list for the upcoming elections, announcing nominees for 68 out of 70 constituencies while leaving two seats for its National Democratic Alliance (NDA) allies. The Janata Dal (United) will contest from the Burari seat, fielding Shailendra Kumar, while the Lok Janshakti Party (Ram Vilas) will contest from Deoli, with its candidate yet to be announced. The Delhi Assembly elections are scheduled for February 5, with the counting of votes set for February 8.
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