Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan presented a resolution in the state legislative assembly on January 21, urging the central government to withdraw the 2025 University Grants Commission (UGC) draft regulations. The resolution, which was passed unanimously, called for extensive consultations with state governments and academic experts before implementing new educational norms. The assembly emphasized the importance of collaborative decision-making to ensure that state-specific educational needs are considered.
Vijayan underscored the significance of state autonomy in education, referencing the 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act of 1977, which placed education under the Concurrent List. This framework allows states to establish and oversee universities, while the Union Government is responsible for setting standards and coordination. He pointed out that state governments bear nearly 80% of university funding, making their role crucial in maintaining quality education. The resolution raised concerns about the centralization of power in university governance and the potential commercialization of higher education due to the proposed regulations.
The Kerala assembly expressed dissatisfaction with the draft regulations, particularly the exclusion of state governments from key decision-making processes such as the appointment of Vice Chancellors and setting teacher qualifications. Vijayan also criticized the draft for enhancing the powers of governors in university matters. Kerala’s stance aligns with Tamil Nadu, which passed a similar resolution earlier this month, calling for the withdrawal of the UGC draft regulations. Vijayan had previously written to Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, urging reconsideration of the proposed changes and emphasizing the need for broader consultation.
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