Mumbai: India’s benchmark equity index BSE Sensex and NSE Nifty edged lower on Tuesday. The declines in heavyweight stocks such as RIL, Kotak Bank, and Zomato, amid caution following U.S. President Donald Trump’s announcement of trade tariffs on neighboring countries shortly after taking office weighed upon the Indian equity indices.
The BSE Sensex was lower by 756.36 points, or 0.98 per cent, at 76,317.08, and the Nifty 50 was at 23,178.40, lower by 166.35 points, or 0.71 per cent. The benchmark Sensex surged by 454 points, and the Nifty closed above 23,300 on Monday.
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On the 30-stock BSE Sensex, only 8 stocks were trading lower, with losses capped by Zomato (down 8.01 per cent), followed by Bharti Airtel, NTPC, Kotak Mahindra Bank, and Adani Ports & SEZ, while gains were led by UltraTech Cement (up 2.01 per cent), followed by Titan, Nestle India, ITC, and Tata Motors.
On the Nifty 50, 35 stocks were trading higher, with gains led by Apollo Hospital Enterprises (up 2.48 per cent), followed by UltraTech Cement, Wipro, BPCL, and Sun Pharma, while losses were capped by Adani Enterprises (down 0.67 per cent), followed by Trent, ONGC, Kotak Mahindra Bank, and NTPC.
Meanwhile, across sectors, the Nifty Consumer Durables index was the top drag, declining 1.23 per cent, followed by the Realty index (down 0.92 per cent), PSU Bank (down 0.23 per cent), Nifty Bank (down 0.05 per cent) and Private Bank (down 0.04 per cent). In contrast, the Healthcare index was the top gainer, climbing 1.17 per cent, followed by the Pharma, Media, Auto, IT, FMCG, Metal, and Oil indices. In the broader markets, the Nifty Smallcap 100 was higher by 0.28 per cent and the Nifty Midcap 100 was flat.