Mumbai: TVS Motor Company launched India’s first electric three-wheeler with Bluetooth connectivity. The electric three-wheeler named ‘TVS King EV Max’ is priced at Rs. 2.95 lakh (ex-showroom) and is now available across select dealerships in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jammu & Kashmir, Delhi and West Bengal.
It comes with TVS’ SmartXonnect technology. It gets a warranty of 6-years/150,000 km (whichever is earlier), along with 24/7 road-side-assistance for the first 3 years.
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With a range of 179 km on a single charge, quick charging in just 2 hours and 15 minutes for 0 – 80 per cent charge and 3.5 hours for 100 per cent charge; smart features like TVS SmartXonnect, the King EV MAX offers features like real-time navigation, alerts and vehicle diagnostics through their smartphones.
The TVS King EV Max is powered by a high-performance 51.2V lithium-ion LFP battery enabling making it perfect for urban commuting. With a top speed of 60 kmph (Eco Mode: 40 kmph; City: 50 kmph; Power: 60 kmph).