Mumbai: Royal Enfield has launched the Scram 440 in the Indian market. The bike was unveiled at Motoverse 2024 and has now been introduced at a starting price of Rs 2.08 lakh (ex-showroom) for the entry-level Trail variant. Apart from this, the brand also has the Force variant. It is offered in Trail Green, Trail Blue, Force Teal, Force Grey, and Force Blue colours.
The new bike comes with a relatively bigger engine and gets more features. The bike comes with a round LED headlamp. This is complemented by a rather boxy-looking fuel tank which shrouds the side with the Royal Enfield logo on it. All of this is complemented by an exposed chassis and a single-piece seat. The brand is also offering 19/17-inch spoke wheels with the option of alloy wheels for the Force variant.
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Based on a half-duplex split cradle frame, the bike is suspended on 41 mm telescopic front forks while the rear end gets a mono-shock with linkage. Braking is the responsibility of the 300 mm disc at the front with a two-piston floating caliper. Meanwhile, the rear end gets a 240 mm disc with a single-piston floating caliper.The bike gets a digital analog cluster.
Powering the Royal Enfield Scram 440 is a 443 cc single-cylinder air-cooled engine. This unit is tuned to produce 25 hp of power at 6,250 rpm and 34 Nm of peak torque while revving at 4,000 rpm. This power is transferred to the rear wheel using a six-speed clutch with a wet multi-plate clutch
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