Agniveer Lovepreet Singh, a 24-year-old soldier from Aklia village in Punjab’s Mansa district, tragically passed away under mysterious circumstances in the Kalaroos area of North Kashmir’s Kupwara district on Wednesday. Singh, who had joined the Indian Army nearly two years ago under the Agnipath scheme, was serving with the 99 Medium Regiment at the time of his death. Official sources reported that his death resulted from the accidental discharge of his service rifle. However, back in his village, rumors spread that he had been martyred in a gunfire exchange with enemies, leaving his family and community in grief.
Lovepreet Singh was the younger of two brothers and was expected to return home soon to attend his elder brother’s wedding, making his sudden passing even more devastating for his loved ones. His death has deeply affected the local community, with villagers mourning his loss and political leaders expressing their condolences on social media. Many leaders hailed Singh as a martyr, recognizing his service and dedication to the nation.
Mansa Deputy Commissioner Kulwant Singh confirmed the tragic news and stated that the administration had been notified. He also mentioned that Singh’s mortal remains were expected to reach his native village later in the evening, where arrangements were being made for his final rites.