The ongoing Mahakumbh in Prayagraj has witnessed an extraordinary turnout, with over 10 crore devotees taking a holy dip at the sacred Triveni Sangam, where the Ganga, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati rivers meet. By noon on Thursday, this remarkable milestone was achieved, reflecting the deep devotion of saints, sadhus, Kalpvasis, and pilgrims from across the globe. The Yogi-led government anticipates that the Mahakumbh will attract over 45 crore visitors, and the early participation of such a large number of devotees supports these expectations. On Thursday alone, around 30 lakh pilgrims, including 10 lakh Kalpvasis, took part in the religious ritual, adding to the steady influx of worshippers.
The bathing festivals at Mahakumbh have consistently drawn massive crowds, with 3.5 crore devotees performing the Amrit Snan on Makar Sankranti and 1.7 crore participating in the sacred bath on Paush Purnima. The Triveni Sangam area has become a vibrant hub, showcasing India’s cultural and spiritual diversity as people from various backgrounds and nationalities gather in unity. The theme of Mahakumbh, emphasizing harmony and inclusivity, is evident in the overwhelming participation of devotees from different walks of life, reaffirming the event’s spiritual significance.
Despite the influx of millions of visitors, daily life in Prayagraj continues without disruption, thanks to meticulous planning by the district administration. Schools, offices, and businesses are functioning normally, with restrictions imposed only on major bathing days to ensure smooth crowd management. The seamless organization and effective crowd control measures have allowed the city to accommodate the massive pilgrimage while maintaining its routine operations, further enhancing the grandeur and spiritual experience of Mahakumbh 2025.