India’s National Investigation Agency (NIA) is preparing to send a team to the United States to finalize the extradition of Tahawwur Hussain Rana, one of the key accused in the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks. This move follows a recent US Supreme Court decision allowing Rana’s extradition under the India-US extradition treaty, as reported by ANI. Rana, a Pakistani-Canadian businessman, is accused of collaborating with David Coleman Headley and other Lashkar-e-Taiba operatives in orchestrating the attacks that left 166 people dead.
Rana was convicted in 2011 by a US court for providing material support to Lashkar-e-Taiba. Prosecutors revealed that Rana helped Headley establish a branch of his Chicago-based immigration law firm in Mumbai, enabling him to carry out reconnaissance missions under the guise of business activities. India’s charges against Rana include conspiracy to wage war, murder, forgery, and acts of terrorism, highlighting his alleged role in meticulously planning the attacks.
The extradition request, filed by India in June 2020, received support from the Biden administration, emphasizing the shared commitment between the US and India to combat terrorism. While the US State Department has deferred specific comments to the Department of Justice, it reaffirmed its dedication to addressing global terrorism and strengthening counterterrorism cooperation with India. Rana has remained in custody during the lengthy legal process, and his extradition is viewed as a significant step toward justice for the Mumbai attack victims.
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