A 20-year-old woman was found in a semi-conscious state with severe injuries at her home in Chottanikkara three days ago, leading the police to register a case of rape and attempted murder against her 24-year-old boyfriend, Anoop, from Thalayolaparambu. The case was filed based on a complaint by the survivor’s mother. Currently, the woman remains in critical condition at a private hospital in Kochi, receiving ventilator support due to severe head injuries. Surveillance footage captured Anoop near the survivor’s house on the night of the incident, and he has been arrested. According to his statement, he attacked the girl out of jealousy, suspecting her of being close to another person.
The police investigation revealed that Anoop had been in a relationship with the victim for a year after meeting her on Instagram and had a history of controlling behavior. On the night of the attack, he assaulted her after seeing someone outside the house, leading to a violent confrontation. The girl attempted to hang herself with a shawl, but Anoop cut it and tightened it around her neck before leaving, assuming she had died. She was later discovered with ligature marks, multiple wounds, and severe bleeding, indicating prolonged abuse. Authorities are also investigating whether weapons were used in the attack.
The victim, a student at a special school, lived with her mother, who has since been relocated after receiving threats from Anoop and a group of youths. The mother stated that she was unaware of her daughter’s relationship with Anoop until recently and had warned her to stay away from him. She also shared that the victim’s father, a retired military officer, had passed away two years ago. The police have collected evidence and plan to present Anoop in court today as investigations continue into the brutal crime.
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