Chief Secretary Manoj Kumar Singh and Director General of Police (DGP) Prashant Kumar visited Swaroop Rani Nehru Hospital on Thursday to meet the devotees injured during the Mauni Amavasya Amrit Snan at Sangam Nose. The senior officials personally interacted with each injured pilgrim, assessing their condition and treatment. They instructed hospital authorities to ensure that medical care was provided without any shortage. Chief Secretary Singh reaffirmed that, following the Chief Minister’s directives, all necessary measures were in place for the well-being of the injured, with the administration actively involved in their care.
During the visit, Singh assured that every injured devotee was receiving proper medical attention. He emphasized that the hospital administration was fully prepared and taking the utmost care of all patients. Furthermore, arrangements had been made for the accompanying family members and devotees. He confirmed that the families of all the injured had been informed, and most relatives had already arrived to support their loved ones at the hospital.
Providing further reassurance, Singh stated that none of the injured devotees were in critical condition. While some individuals had sustained fractures that might take a few weeks to heal, the overall situation remained stable. He reiterated the government and hospital administration’s commitment to delivering the best possible medical care, ensuring timely treatment for all affected devotees without any delays.
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