You will enjoy a day of idyllic peace and harmony with relatives. Be sure to schedule a family get-together – you couldn’t ask for a better day.
Spending time with children can be rewarding now, as can time spent with a romantic interest.
The energy to push ahead with a goal is strong now. You’ve been building a framework and have paid attention to necessary details. Now it’s time to “go”. You have the energy to spare!
This is a great time to get together with your friends. Whether your idea of heaven is pizza and beer or fine cuisine and wine, tonight’s meal is best shared. Good times are the perfect antidote for troubled times, so forget your cares and enjoy the love and laughter in your life.
You’ll be full of bright ideas to implement around the home today, but your partner may have quite divergent concepts in mind. Take some time to reflect on your long term goals You’re full of yourself today and it’s so unattractive. Whether or not you realise it, humility goes a long way in getting others to listen to you.
Some of you may be dealing with marital difficulties alone, making today’s aspects harder to bear, but others will find the aid of friends and associates can be quite transforming.
Spending quality time with your most significant other will work in your favour. Some of you may be feeling rather randy as the focus shifts to the sensual and mysterious. Enjoy yourself behind closed doors.
You may be surprised at how the simple act of trying to see another’s point of view can improve the relationship. Spending time at home with your favourite person will be rewarding.
Unfortunately, today is not one of the best days to enjoy social activities so it might be best to stay home tonight. Your actions may run counter to what is really best for you at an emotional level.
Daydreams can help you cope with reality today; a little fantasy and imagination will spice up your life. A change of pace or scenery will be good for you now. You may want to try a favourite from the past in the kitchen. Experiment with an exotic recipe or visit a tried and true restaurant where you have had good times before.
Slow motion may be the best way to describe this interminable day… it’s not a bad day, it just might seem endless. There is so much to do and so many people who are depending on you that you may never get a chance to relax and let your hair down. If you haven’t already learned to say no, you may want to practice on those who impose on you today.
You will want to be with people that you feel a special camaraderie with. Avoid those who are not one of your kind. An ability to laugh at yourself will make you even more popular. Shared dreams and ideals can bring a great deal of pleasure.
Many of you will be flying the friendly skies during this time frame; don’t let high traffic and flight delays ruin your mood. It should be easy to look at life as a great adventure but it will also be easy to become overly emotional when schedules are changed and things don’t work out quite as planned.
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