
Your Day Today: Horoscope Today

Tension at work can be a little unsettling, where unexpected issues can rattle your cage. Despite the ups and downs, the prospects for pleasing developments at home and a broad insight into some of the secrets of life can help you overcome some of these tacky little obstacles.

Some financial benefit can be achieved, so long as you maintain a good grip on that typical sarcasm and biting wit for which you are known, if not feared. Your head might not be entirely in touch with your heart, at least for some of the day, but the evening releases the tension.

You are in danger of believing that your way is the only way to approach a financial situation. If you could only be more open-minded instead of conceited, you would realise that a solution is right in front of you.

Love and romance should blossom well for you. You will gain the required strength and depth in your relationship. The positive response from your sweetheart is on the cards. So cool your nerves and take a sweet break with your hearts best.

You might have a quarrel with a parent or authority figure today. It’s enough to get you emotionally charged but you might want to realise that this is a reaction that works against you. Handle, don’t react.

Today there’s an enchanting spell happening Love becomes magic for all but it’s possible that you will be deceived in a communication with a loved one. See it for what it is.

Stars are today giving you more of a sensitive edge than usual. It’s likely that you will try to talk about your feelings so much that other people start to tune you out.

It’s time to let go of whatever psychological baggage is holding you back. You’re almost ready to embrace the world in a whole new way but it’s important to ‘let go’ of some unfinished business first.

You have a depressing day on your hands. This weight is heaviest around your home and family life and domestic woes conspire to keep you down.

A magnificent and innovative idea you come up with has the potential to change the very course of your life direction today. You are brilliant!This is a fantastic day to stay home and reflect on your inner world and imagination. Security and love begin with the self.

You have a knack for handling details in a home related matter today. It’s possible that your physical home needs some attention – a leaky faucet or broken something or other. You’ll take care of it.

It’s possible to overdo it with a friend today in order to try and maintain peace. This could be the same person from yesterday, or perhaps a different one. Either way, you seem to be willing to bend over backwards for this person.


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