Aries: You might feel down in the dumps today. If you work diligently now, you’ll enjoy the feeling of completion tomorrow. Push through the pessimism.
Taurus: Today you have a kind and benevolent mood that will help you professionally. The ability to see the glass as half full is priceless.
Gemini: Do can create something of a ruckus as the day goes on. Home is not necessarily where the heart is for you.
Cancer: Pleasure is what it’s all about. Whether single or attached, the romantic vibes are strong and you’ll enjoy some delicious caterwauling as you pursue your rightful domain.
Leo: You’ll find more communication with relatives in person, on the phone, email and snail mail. This is a fabulous day for you. Family projects can be tackled with ease.
Virgo: It’s a fabulous night for a party, with strong sexual overtones that have a hint of the dark side. Don’t deliberately antagonise others.
Libra: Today someone seems to be trying to get better off you. Tricky manoeuvres will not work on you, so long as you keep your wits about you. Don’t take chances with the budget, and don’t make an ass of yourself at work.
Scorpio: Children will be fun, though you could meet with some obstruction from certain people in this area. This will be due to miscommunication. Today you shall feel quite contented to sit quietly at home.
Sagittarius: Today you’ll find yourself carefully analysing work, health and mundane tasks more than usual. Today you will find a speedy solution to a health issue.
Capricorn: You are working towards yet another dream and as you pursue this vision there’s no doubt in your mind that it will come to fruition. It’s written in the stars.
Aquarius: Wanting to see the best in a friend and relative is admirable and of course, the desired quality. However, it’s possible that today ‘simply the best’ isn’t nearly as good enough as it should be.
Pisces: Be wary of gossip and trivial talks today. One of your relatives is likely to be an incessant chatterbox, complaining about authority figures hold over her.
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