Aries: Partners and other allies, along with a focus of your energies on The Other, can be a wee bit problematic. Certainly, they’ll stimulate you to take action.
Taurus: There’s an enormous amount of energy for you to fight for what you believe in now however, you might tend to have difficulty focusing it.
Gemini: You want to control the actions of family members so that you can get ahead. Proceed with caution.
Cancer: Today is an enchanting day for you in the romance department, you are sure you’ve found your soul mate.
Leo: Today everyone is a little more agitated than usual. You’ll feel it most in frustration with a financial risk.
Virgo: A friend might try to strategically put you in a quandary through emotional blackmail or manipulation. It wouldn’t even be conscious, Just be aware.
Libra: Even if you want to be left alone today, other people will find a way to intrude. Let them make the first move, but control your reactions. More than one open confrontation is in the stars, so avoid fisticuffs.
Scorpio: You will not hesitate to express your hidden emotional needs for freedom in a relationship today. The fear of being tied down is strong.
Sagittarius: Today you will feel restrained at work expressing your ideas and philosophy. It’s a good time to listen rather than speak.
Capricorn: Today all the delays and frustrations you’ve had conveying your thoughts and ideas are lifted! You’ll want to dominate thoughts and opinions.
Aquarius: Today you might as well prepare yourself for the newfound desire you’ll have to nest and beautify your home.
Pisces: Today will bring confusion to how we all direct our energy in some fashion. You’ll be questioning the faithfulness of a lover.
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