If you’re dealing with the public, expect to achieve a great deal. Any negative feedback will lift now. You can advance full steam ahead, making up for lost time. A senior pulling the plug could be a blessing in disguise. Enjoy your romance and bask in the attention.
Business prospects begin to look brighter but appraise your options realistically. You may need as much time to yourself as possible. One of your associates may need some short-term assistance from you. Conditions are good for getting a new relationship off the ground. Romance mingled with fantasy should be more enjoyable.
You feel out of your element today. Or are you just bored? Unless you are sure of your intentions, you may wind up going nowhere… Alliances come under extra pressure and arguments may flare up during a discussion about economising. In romance, try not to take an overly dictatorial approach.
You’ll need to be on your mettle, You’ll have to deal with authority, professional people or your own responsibilities. An older family member may feature. Just keep your mind on what must be done and then do it. Negotiation is the key. Hear the other point of view or the other side of the story. You will have to take other people’s needs or views into account to stay in balance.
Serious mental work and analysis are on tap early today. Be open-minded and flexible Taurus, and good results are sure to follow. Today you can get what you want out of the relationship. Your old connection should play a more important role for you than usual. Exchange of thoughts will bring cosmic lightning into your romance.
You’ll be pleasure bound, Capricorn. Romance may call you. Indulge your passions. You may engage in a creative activity or a pet project. Do so with vigour. If cooking and food are to your taste, enjoy the succulent sensation of your favourite flavours. Children may be on the agenda for some. A male child or the oldest child may need guidance or a hand with an activity.
Play it safe while travelling today, especially if you’re commuting. Watch for the surprise event or development. Watch tension with fellow travellers and co-workers as well. Put your energy into getting things done and you can achieve a lot but accept that others have their own way of doing things.
Opportunity and money rule today, so be in the driver’s seat where a new deal is concerned. An important project gets off on the wrong track this morning. The chance of making a little extra income is possible, as your way of interacting with others can make you the first choice.
Today there may be a transfer in your job. Your expenses may rise and there may be problems of inheritance and property matters. You need to take extra care if you are working with the government.
The day has a positive emphasis on your career and a coveted goal is likely to be within your reach. This is the right time to meet with superiors and present those innovative ideas. Your attention moves on to matters concerning your financial security. True love feels it might be developing, as your sweetheart begins to share secrets with you.
It’s a good day to discuss your objectives with those who can help you out. Expect positive news about a legal concern. Co-operative endeavours are especially favoured today, so focus on the smaller details and you should see a significant improvement around you. In romance, you may be up for anything and everything.
This is a day full of challenges. Family issues, money matters, pressures at work will all add up to your stress. You need to be careful, especially while travelling as accidents or some health problems may come in your way. Many activities will make you struggle to keep up with your juggler’s act.
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