Health & Fitness

Press these points and see your headache vanish in just 2 minutes !

Tired of visiting doctors or popping pills to cure sinus inflammation and headaches?

Try these tips for a quick relief from headaches, stressed muscles and nasal congestion !

Yintang Points
Yintang Point is located between the inner edges of your eyebrows, which is known as the ‘Third Eye’. An ache in this area relates to tiredness of eyes when one constantly works on laptops or computers. A gentle massage on this point removes headaches in seconds.

Tian Zhu Points

The two points are located between your ears and the spine. These are responsible for the problems related to eyes, ears and nose. Once you massage these points gently, you may get rid of nasal congestion, normal headache and headache caused due to migraine.

Yingxiang Points

These points are located on sides of your nostrils along the lines through the middle of eyes. At times, you get headache because you have congestion in sinus.

Try acupressure on these points. It relieves stress, clears congestion in sinus and consequently reduces headache.

Shuai Gu points

These points are located at a distance of approximately two to three centimetres starting from the hair near the ears. Try acupressure on this area to get rid of pain in the temporal region and fatigue.

Zan Zhu Points

These two points are located on the bottom of your inner eyebrows. Massage these points in circular movements to get rid of sinus congestion and running nose that also cause headaches.

He Gu Points

Located between your thumb and index finger, press these points gently to soothe your neck muscles, back pain and toothache.

Say goodbye to headache and open doors to a healthy life by avoiding pills.





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