Aries: Someone close to you may be in trouble and needs your help and insight. Be quick to act on good ideas. Today, romance becomes a very sensitive issue.
Taurus: It’s a perfect time for catching up on communications. Don’t be too hard on yourself regarding some emotional issues. Discuss common interests and new ideas will emerge.
Gemini: This is a quiet day when the focus is on personal concerns. Talks with a senior or expert can bring you beneficial information. Keep a tight rein on your purse today.
Cancer: It should be easier for you to get along with other people at work today, While everyone has definite opinions, you are appreciated all the same. Opportunities will unfold if you give a little time to an experienced friend. Be prepared for some kind of upheaval in romance.
Leo: You may be left smarting inside because of someone’s insensitive remark, but news about a travel opportunity should please you very much. An influential contact opens the doors for your career now.
Virgo: Formal presentations and informal pitches both go very well and there should be plenty of ways to arrive at a solution at work. Someone may underestimate your ability to promote a pet project.
Libra: You may find enough time to devote to a work-related project after all. Today you’re tempted to go overboard tooting your own loud horn. Don’t exaggerate, or you may be frowned upon. Overspending is unavoidable. Work pressure dominates romance and your attitude towards what you want in love is changing now.
Scorpio: Don’t get discouraged if a work problem seems difficult to handle at the moment, You’ve got a good business brain and will find success if you keep plugging away at the problem.
Sagittarius: An offer can fall in your lap that brings well-deserved returns from the exercise of your talents. On the domestic front, you won’t get far by complaining.
Capricorn: It’s high time to get important details in order and save yourself from paying penalties. The day favours new changes or redecoration on the domestic front. Arrangements for a fun outing are likely to be made at the last minute.
Aquarius: Unexpected changes of plans can be helpful all round and those close to you are supportive when you reveal the details of your venture. Someone not so close is sure to bring some sunshine into your life.
Pisces: It’s a good time to share your thoughts with well-wishers. You may find it hard to avoid spending money on self-grooming and anyway, you deserve it! Be ready for a demand from your mate to update your living standard as well.
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