Aries: Expect the unexpected from a female friend today. News about a sudden change in her life may spark to re-evaluate your own routine.
Taurus: Be on the lookout for a favourable influence to come your way today, that may help you in the pursuit of a goal. A female in your life will come to the rescue.
Gemini: A subtle shift of power converges in your eighth house of sex, money and power today. However, fortunate blessings shower on you and your mate, as the cosmos is dancing.
Cancer: Your need to seek different scenes and ideas is stimulated. The opinions and beliefs of others are likely to become more prominent in your life over the next two days, and this may not be very pleasant.
Leo: Happy surprises may be coming your way. It may be something as simple as a great sale you come across that helps you stay within a reasonable budget this season! Many little miracles await you, but you have to open your eyes to see them.
Virgo: You can run, but you can’t hide from your partner today. You’ll be faced with relationship issues on a regular basis.
Libra: Don’t take anything for granted today. A vindictive co-worker may be at the heart of today’s misinformation: you could have stepped on this person’ toes unknowingly. The only cure is to check, double check and triple check before making any decisions.
Scorpio: This empowers your communication, though you need to keep your ego under control. Legal issues, contracts and joint ventures of all kinds are in the wind, but be sure to listen to the other’s point of view.
Sagittarius: Stars are reminding you that it is time to take care of all the little things. Don’t overlook the details today, as small mistakes could be costly. There maybe some confusion over whose job it is to do what.
Capricorn: You can’t run and you can’t hide from your partner or roommate today, you’ll be faced with relationship issues on a regular basis.
Aquarius: You may have to put up with sudden mood swings from your best friend partner today; he or she could blow hot one minute and cold the next, so be prepared for an about face.
Pisces: Today is wonderful for spending with family, especially if you have a common goal in mind. Get together to paint a house, work on a child’s science project, or any type of activity that is best when done as a team.
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