Be prepared for the news that might generate some anxiety. There is little point getting too worked up about something that is coming up. Try not to be too critical, as it will not change the situation.
Bulls waiting for approval from authority may find that things are delayed. Use your insight for guidance, as you may have to put off a major decision. Lay the foundations of a new way of getting on with difficult people at work.
Talk with those who can help you get the ball rolling. Financial advice is recommended in order to gauge your true material worth and get the happy results you seek.
It’s hard to relax, as unfinished jobs or mechanical chores begin to pop up. You may find yourself in a lot of hot water if you don’t keep up. You could try to abstain from gossip (eek!), but definitely, avoid any unnecessary tasks that are looming.
You may find enough time to devote to a work-related project after all. Today you’re tempted to go overboard tooting your own loud horn. Don’t exaggerate, or you may be frowned upon. Overspending is unavoidable.
The day has a positive emphasis on your career and a coveted goal is likely to be within your reach. This is the right time to meet with superiors and present those innovative ideas.
Today you find your inner motives are more powerful than logic. Confrontation is likely with those who haven’t been straight with you. You may not be in a party mood, wanting to spend time instead with paperwork.
You could get into financial trouble today, but your associates will come forward to the rescue. As the door of opportunity begins to open, you may be tempted to do too much and then find yourself working at a tangent to those around you.
This could be a day for self-discovery! You can realise greater potentials, but flexibility in your dealings will play a key part in achieving an important milestone. Travel plans are indicated.
You find new ways to express yourself in fresh, creative ways. A goal that you’ve been striving to reach finally is within your grasp. Financially, things should be moving right on track, though it could lead you to make some hasty decisions.
You may be in a negative frame of mind today for no apparent reason. Don’t overreact to a comment during a light group discussion and guard against mistakes in judgment.
With a little discipline, you can complete pending tasks. Plans for expansion at work can be implemented successfully now. It may be wise to cash in on a valuable deal quickly. In romance, your search for a new love may be successful.
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