Teamwork is the key word today; you can be an effective leader by listening to what the group has to say. Aries is a natural leader and pioneer, but often forgets to include others in the planning stage. You may disagree with the majority but you’ll need to find some common ground.
Today improves your public image and offers both romantic and financial incentives. Hold your ground if you are currently involved in a project that will eventually improve the overall structure. Good news is on its way, as the cosmos gives a powerful boost to your ambitions.
Today; you’ll be in a friendly mood and ready to hangout with your gang again. You may feel a strong bond of empathy with someone ; you may even know who is calling before the telephone rings.
If your daily routine is really getting you down, it’s time to think how you can jazz it up on a more permanent basis. Don’t get too glum, as things do liven up later in the day. You might also have an important conversation with someone who can pull a few strings for you.
Today you are being profoundly changed by your new surroundings It will be all too easy to get angry with someone and completely blow them away with your impassioned reactions.
It’s time to slow down, relax and review the events of the past month. Some of you may react to this transit by becoming anxious and paranoid… if you haven’t figured out that you are in control over almost nothing in your life, you might not like what you feel.
It’s hard to be good all the time, especially when everyone else seems to be having a jolly time being bad. Today you’d far rather get on with life than spend time agonizing over what might have been
A massive array of planetary forces are active today, giving you the sort of energy needed to lift a car off someone in an emergency. When your emotions are stimulated, you’ll find you can leap tall buildings in a single bound. Use your super powers for the good today.
How you feel about your values and how your associates feel may not mesh too well today; avoid conversations about morals and scruples. Of course, you could be a politician or a religious worker, in which case you may be tiring of your own rhetoric.
You’ll be able to express yourself magnanimously; even your rivals will be charmed by your graciousness. Travel is favoured this afternoon, as is anything that gets you out of your normal surroundings. Go with the flow and look on the bright side of life.
Achieving goals should be easy on this high energy day, and others will be inspired by your vigour and enthusiasm. Your friends will want to jump on your bandwagon, so if you have a cause to push, now is the time to speak up. Just be careful not to lose your focus; if you take on too much at one time, you won’t be effective.
You’ll be renewed spiritually which will help you face your challenges. Use this blessing to work towards your goals and aspirations; you can move forward quietly, but surely. For now, hold your head up and display a positive attitude. If you believe you can be successful, everyone else will believe it, too.
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