Some of you have the power to gain access to even the most secret places and information. As the old saying goes, you could sell ice water to the devil! At the moment, your success hinges not so much on quantity as it does on presentation. You probably won’t be able to keep up this energy level for long, so it’s a good time to start pacing yourself.
Expressing yourself should be easy today don’t hesitate to say ‘I love you’. Bulls are often the strong and silent type, accidentally starving loved ones for words of affection. When you do speak, however, it’s as though angels have spoken. In your own way, let the people you love know it by your words. Sure, your actions already speak for you, but some people actually need to hear it.
The pace of life picks up It seems like the phone won’t stop ringing and the email won’t stop piling up. Take a deep breath and deal with each item, one at a time. Later this evening, enjoy a stroll through your neighbourhood. Be sure to wave to the neighbours!
Your personal finances come into focus but your fiscal flexibility saves the day again. Financial partnerships need to be placed on a new footing you can truly make lemonade out of the lemons life sends your way. Ignore inflammatory rumours in the workplace and trust that, one way or another, you’ll be just fine.
You may have to contend with a fiery power struggle hold your ground and the moment will pass quickly. This is one of those days when the best thing you can do is think as little as possible; just work at getting the job done.
This is a good day to be neighbourly. Is there someone who could use a home-cooked meal or a hand in the yard? We often have people in need right in our own neighbourhoods and we don’t even know it. Spending time with siblings can also be quite satisfying under this transit. Spend the evening at home with the family.
Spend as much time as possible relaxing today; you’ll be working hard enough come tomorrow. You need to recharge your spiritual batteries, so avoid social gatherings if you can. With only a few weeks left in the year, you’ll need to get a lot of things done in a short time. Take a nap, or turn in early tonight to help you regain strength and energy.
The issues of money and power are coming to a head, but hopefully, everything will be resolved in a positive manner. However, some may be experiencing intense power struggles in their relationships: if so, it’s time to step back so that you can be more objective.
Your taste for the good life could get out of hand. You can enjoy the sweetness of life, but don’t go overboard. Balance your diet and be sure to get plenty of exercises. You will be exuding that healthy, robust glow all day.
It’ll be easy to feel like a hotshot just remember that while this can bring out the best in you, it can also bring out the worst. sparks may fly between you and an attractive associate; enjoy the fantasy, but don’t let it get out of hand.
You can show your love for others today through service to others, even if it just means taking out the trash and washing the dishes. It is the many little things that add up, so be aware of the details in your relationships. Older people can be picky later, but just spending five minutes with someone can make all the difference.
Awareness of your mental and physical health arises now. You can enjoy inner and outer beauty if you make a consistent effort to take the very best care of yourself. Don’t allow infections, injuries and stress take their toll. Overwork is a temptation to be avoided, as is violence and anger. Conversations can be misleading.
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