Today, stars are urging you to spend more time with your loved ones. There may be trouble brewing at home, so head it off at the pass before tomorrow, when conditions are right for a blowout.
Today stars are making you feel edgy for no apparent reason, even though the energies of the day are fundamentally fortunate. If you find yourself flying off the handle at the slightest provocation, get out and take a brisk walk.
Today don’t expect to achieve a great deal, especially if dealing with the authorities or older people. At least, your energies will be directed to achieving your goals and boosting your confidence.
You may or may not be at peace with the great cycle of life; if you’re not at peace, it’s time to review your beliefs and the feelings they are based upon. Witness the glory of the sunrise, flowers in bloom, children at play, old folks reminiscing and the serenity of the sunset for your answers.
Take the time to really listen to what the people you live with are saying. If you live by yourself, you might want to water your plants and talk to them for a while; they miss you.
Today is the most romantic time of the month and those of you working in creative fields will have extra inspiration. Children are also important at this time, so pay attention to the ones in your life.
Of course, your home is what you make it and we often create a replica of our childhood experience. If you aren’t happy with your living arrangements, you would do well to consider what influences from the past have led you to create something you are dissatisfied with.
It’s time to exert your personal influence. Be ready to make a splash on the scene, it is phase of success and personal enjoyment.
You may want to enjoy simple, quiet pleasures that help soothe your soul; it is a time of retreat and reflection. Take a look at the year in review and decide what mistakes you want to avoid.
Today, stars are giving you extra charm and magnetism. It’s a good day for showcasing your leadership abilities, so don’t hesitate to take the reigns when needed.
Sometimes the hectic pace of our lives gives us the existential blues… if this is the case for you, it may be time to schedule a vacation. Consider spending the day somewhere uplifting.
Disturbing dreams and intense emotions could dominate the day, but try to look at this discomfort as a healing process. You may need to face those who have helped produce much of your inner torment. The only way out is forgiveness… you don’t have to trust or even like someone who has hurt you in the past, but forgiveness is the key to setting yourself free.
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