You must exercise restrain, bringing harsh words that could see upsets in associations. Dealings with older people are problematic, creating uncertainties with money. Don’t take risks. Things are not what they seem and could go wrong unexpectedly.
The day will be good if you do not start anything new and put the finishing touches to what ever is at hand. It may be an important project or simple routine. Keep your sixth sense active. A state of confusion may prevail, at a point of time you have to rise above it.
Today will cause some friction between you and other people. Matters that have been bubbling away in the background will come to the boil, forcing you to do something about them. Try not to overreact, nor to create a crisis out of something that’s really very minor. You should also keep a strong sense of fair play.
Extend all the help that may be required of you. This is a tricky situation as you are already giving beyond you capacity. However, show a positive attitude to your associates and friends. They may feel upset if you show irritation at unfair requests. There may be not much you can give yet be there just in case.
There’s a strong possibility that you could become involved in a relationship that has to be conducted in secret or which you want to keep strictly private.
Your self-confidence rises by several notches from today, making you feel much more positive and resilient than you’ve been recently. This happy state of affairs will continue for the next four weeks, and it will be a marvellous opportunity for you to get new projects off the ground and take the initiative whenever possible.
Get out your list of things to do, because you’re in a very industrious and efficient mood. Start with whatever is most urgent and then carry on from there. If you seem to be doing all the work while loved ones laze around watching TV, you’ll soon chivvy them along and get them to lend a hand.
You’re swayed by your emotions today, making you highly susceptible to other people’s machinations. For instance, you might be putty in the hands of your beloved, willing to do whatever they want simply to keep them happy. Or you could be strongly influenced by someone’s dour mood, so that you soon start to feel as wretched as they do.
Take things slowly and all will be well. However, you must resist a tendency to be perfectionist over things that don’t really matter, otherwise you’ll never finish the chores. If you’re busy with preparations, you’ll have to control a nagging feeling that you’ve got to compete with the way other people have done things in the past.
Someone is being very pedantic and picky, and they’ll soon drive you round the bend with frustration. They’re splitting hairs about all sorts of petty problems, but unfortunately you won’t be immune from this yourself. You might get caught up in needless details that don’t really matter, or take everything that happens very personally. Try to be more objective.
You’re feeling edgy, and it won’t be long before people start to get on your nerves. You might get very irritated by someone’s funny little habits, yet feel you daren’t say anything in case you go overboard. Or you could get very annoyed when someone blurts out something that was supposed to be a secret but which quickly becomes common knowledge.
You’re in a balanced mood today, and feeling better about the world. If you’re busy getting ready for the forthcoming celebrations, you’ll have a good idea of how much effort is needed. It’s a lovely day for being sociable, because you’ll be able to hold your own even if you’re with a group of strangers.
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