Aries: Turn over a new leaf in health matters as stars encourage good habits today. But this time, stick with it! It is so easy for you to get started and then slack off after a day or two.
Taurus: The early part of the day may be focused on the mysteries of life but stars are putting you in the mood for a little fun tonight.
Gemini: Enjoy the afternoon relaxing at home, you have been under tremendous stress and pressure recently and now it is time to just count your many blessings.
Cancer: Share your ideas with your friends and associates, who are likely to be very supportive at this time. You can feel very good about yourself under these influences, and your energy can be especially high.
Leo: Health and employment issues come to the surface; this may be a good day to rethink your position at work or to schedule a check up with your physician.
Virgo: Stars encourage you to spend more time with your partner, so make room in your life for closeness, but you’ll need to pay attention to your own emotional responses if you want these changes to be positive
Libra: Freedom and responsibility may be issued, but the overall energy is quite favourable. Stars are creating friction and delusion in your home and family. Compromise is in order, so keep a cool head and try to be objective.
Scorpio: You may suddenly know the answer to a question that has been nagging at you lately, as stars give rise to insight. The urge to give away all your possessions and live as a monk may cross your mind.
Sagittarius: The strongest foundation for a relationship is good communication skills. Discuss important matters with care and make plans only when the details are clear.
Capricorn: Keep an open mind. Everything you go through can be a learning experience if you’re willing to examine each situation closely.
Aquarius: You may feel quite passionate about your finances or other values today, making you more likely to take offence at those with differing values.
Pisces: People will be listening to you today, the important thing is to walk the walk, but sometimes you have to sell yourself, too.
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