It seems that you have spent too much time ignoring social obligations and have also been avoiding your friends. Now, you start to realize that this important part of your life is of far more value than you thought. Take some time out to revive relationships; most of your friends are loyal and true and you didn’t need the fair-weather ones anyway!
You exercise a positive influence over a group of important people, so do not make rash decisions, especially when negotiating major financial deals. Seek consultation and blessings from some highly influential, or even spiritually attained person and this will give a big boost to your life.
Curious eyes are upon you, so you need to be more discreet about what you are doing, at least until you are ready to reveal all to the world. Your health is good, in spite of some tensions earlier in the day. Someone close to you may be out of sorts, but it probably doesn’t have anything to do with you. Try not to read too much into it.
This is the best time to allow your deepest and most hidden emotions and feelings out, Aquarius. There is a great relief in talking about things that you have kept close to your chest for so long. A female member of your family will offer the most understanding and sympathy, so why not unburden yourself to her.
Today your boss is likely to be expecting (and may demand) an improvement in your performance. Sensible people will realize that it is critical to be fully prepared. The best way is to complete your work as soon you can and so avoid your boss being tempted to point to any issue. Fortunately, your colleagues and subordinates will be helpful.
Any disagreements that happened yesterday should now be forgotten. Concentrate your attention on simply enjoying the moment. Unfortunately, a few jobs just can’t be ignored, but once everything is out of the way, you can take some time out to relax and enjoy your creative hobbies. If you are celebrating tonight, look forward to a gorgeous time.
You might feel tired and dreamy for the time being. It’s so frustrating! Every time you want to make a move, uncertainty clouds your mind. Oh well, just leave important decisions for another day. Go out in the evening with friends, as it will do you a world of good.
You are the peacemaker, the chief negotiator and the general centre of attention and all social activities will be highly pleasurable. Some tensions due to legal matters are likely to occupy your mind, so don’t make any promises that you will find difficult to keep. It’s an excellent evening to spend time with your partner, spouse or true love. Head for a party, or go to a show.
The early part of the day is quite creative, though things get a bit tense as the hours roll on. The best bet would be to get an early night. If you are tempted to gamble, control the urge and don’t take any risks.
Things are definitely improving. Those of you currently in loving relationships will find that romance continues to be in the air and you will love every minute you spend with your beloved. If you are single and are seeking a partner, the chances of finding the love of your life are highly favoured .
Some previously concealed information will emerge in the near future that will affect your life, Aquarius, so keep your wits about you. Short trips may be necessary to sort out matters that have been pending for some time. Be particularly careful regarding shared financial commitments.
Your leadership qualities and sensitivity regarding other people’s needs come out today. Expressing your true self without any BS will help you win favours in a big way. You have very itchy feet at the moment and woe betides anyone who tries to hold you back or confine you. Watch the spending this evening though – it would be best to leave the credit cards at home.
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