Aries: Your subconscious mind is active today, Aries. You might have psychic insights and some odd dreams. However convoluted they may be, they’re trying to tell you something, possibly about your relationship with a friend or love partner.
Taurus: This isn’t a good day to get together with your romantic partner, Taurus, or even talk on the phone at length. Keep your conversations brief and make arrangements to meet in a few days. Your friend could be in a very agitated state of mind and might take offense at an innocent remark from you.
Gemini: Some technological gadgets that you make copious use of may go out of whack today, Gemini. This could prove frustrating for you, but don’t vent your frustrations on them.
Cancer: If you’re single, you might meet someone new and exciting today. You might feel this is the perfect partner for you. Be cautious! This wonderful new person may have money problems or be jealous and possessive.
Leo: You might have some important work to do at home, Leo, but unexpected visitors might have other ideas for your day. Don’t get angry or frustrated. Explain what’s going on politely but firmly, and make arrangements to meet your friends later.
Virgo: Electronic communication could be difficult today, Virgo. Everything that can go wrong might go wrong – phones, email, copiers. If you really need to speak to someone, the best thing to do may be to take a walk and go see them in person.
Libra: Money problems may seem to be escalating, Libra, and you could be hard-pressed to find a way to deal with them right now. The situation is temporary. Put all paperwork aside for now. If you wait a day until you’re feeling a little less stressed, you’ll be able to get a better handle on the situation and juggle your budget in order to make it all work.
Scorpio: Your four walls could seem to be closing in on you today, Scorpio. You might feel that you’ll go crazy if you don’t get out for a while. But responsibilities may keep you indoors anyway. It’s important to get out.
Sagittarius: Sudden psychic insights that seem important could come your way today, Sagittarius, but you could be confused about their meaning. This might bother you today unless you write your thoughts down.
Capricorn: You and some friends might spontaneously decide to do something adventurous, Capricorn, such as take a trip out of town. This might be fun. Make sure you go somewhere that one of you knows fairly well or there’s a slight danger that you might get lost or hit traffic at the wrong time.
Aquarius: News of an unexpected career break could come your way, Aquarius. This can be exciting and it should make a big difference in your life. This time definitely calls for some modesty.
Pisces: Are you taking a long-distance trip by air, Postpone it if you can. It might end up being slow and tedious. If you must travel, be prepared for delays, lost luggage, or bad weather. Travel light, be at the airport early and take some reading material.
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