Not everyone likes to eat meat especially those on a vegetarian diet. However, all of us need proteins.
Here are some non-meat foods with lots of proteins:
Tofu ( Soya Paneer )
Tofu may be seen as boring by most chefs and cooks but tofu is one of the non-meat products with the most protein content, with 10 grams of protein per cup. What is even greater about tofu is it is used as a meat substitute and thus can be eaten for breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner. It can also be flavoured in whatever way you want !
Green Peas
For every cup of green peas, you get almost eight grams of protein. It also contains leucine which is important for weight loss and metabolism.
Almond is one of the healthiest members of the nut family. For every cup of almonds or every two tablespoons of almond butter, you get at least 7 grams of protein.
When compared against brown rice, oatmeal has less starch and has more fibre. It also has three times more protein. So this just might be the best breakfast option you have.
Spinach is one of the most versatile vegetables out there (you can put it in salads and even make smoothies from it). Each cup of spinach contains five grams of protein.
Peanut Butter
Not only is peanut butter an American classic but it is also perfect for those who are looking for a healthier source of protein. In fact, for every tablespoon of peanut butter, you can already get as much as eight grams of protein. So keep those peanut butter and jelly sandwiches coming !
All of us can agree that not everyone is a fan of broccoli but a cup of this often-hated vegetable not only has four grams of protein, but it also has vitamin C and fibre plus 30 percent of your daily calcium needs !
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