The energy might seem nebulous at home today so you might want to avoid talking too deeply with relatives. What you say might be taken out of context and someone might even lie to you.
This is traditionally a day of heaven on earth and warmth for all. Expect to have an opportunity to increase your financial wealth.
Today stars will bring an end to a source of income for you, or possibly with a personal asset you’ve wanted to buy or sell. There is a culmination.
You have plenty of gusto now to go after your wildest dreams. In addition to this, the leadership potential you have now in group situations is strong.
A fortunate connection with friends in the neighbourhood can see you doing very well. This is a time when you can find that doors you thought were closed will open for you, allowing you to achieve undreamt of heights.
You can express your feelings today, so any hidden issues that arise are probably due to someone else’s behaviour. It looks as though you’ll have to work hard to get to the root of the problem.
This may be a good day to rethink your position at work. It may be that stress is taking a toll on you, so be sure to get plenty of sleep and moderate exercise.
You may suddenly know the answer to a question that has been nagging at you lately. The urge to give away all your possessions and live as a monk may cross your mind, but if you have been denying yourself pleasure for too long, you may have the desire to swim in a sea of gratification.
You’ll be especially magnetic and charismatic, so take advantage of the positive energy. If you really want something, now is the time to ask for it.
Everything you go through can be a learning experience if you’re willing to examine each situation closely. Mercury and Mars are active there now too, so something remarkable is sure to emerge from back behind the scenes.
You’ll find service to others especially rewarding today, so don’t hesitate to give someone a helping hand. An afternoon with friends should be fun, so plan for an impromptu get together. You’ll have less emotional energy this evening, so touch base with your loved ones early
Today, you enjoy renewed emotional strength so you should be able to persuade others to your point of view with very little effort. Your charm and magnetism are strong.
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