You might be receiving inner messages that may help you improve your life at several levels today. Unfortunately, it may be difficult to decipher the aforementioned inner messages; the language of the subconscious mind is often symbolic. Ponder the hunches and gut-feelings that come your way before acting on them.
Today can be fun and exciting if you are prepared to be flexible. If you are not in the mood for surprises, you may be quite put out by what transpires. Look at life as one grand adventure and see the humour in little miscalculations. Laughter will help save the day.
An office romance or social event with co-workers may be on your agenda. Beautifying the workplace is high on the list: anything from renovation and redecoration to just putting fresh paint on the walls, installing background music and adding plants or artwork.
You may want to analyse your strategy in business matters. Charm plays a big role in getting what you want these days; you may not feel like playing nice, but you may need to wine and dine your interests. The same applies to romantic targets.
You may rescue or restore heirlooms. It’s a new beginning. If you have been thinking about a business venture or some physical goal, this is the time to put plans in motion. Check your home for fire hazards. Watch your step around the house, and avoid angry domestic scenes.
If you haven’t already signed up for a course on a subject that intrigues you, now is a great time to just do it. No matter how old you are, there is always more to learn, why don’t you take the plunge? Even a course in how to cook meals in less than thirty minutes will add to your life.
Today can be very exciting for those of you who plan to socialize, but it is more likely you will be dealing with an unhappy mate. If you can find a way to please both your significant other and be socially and politically correct you will be ahead of the game.
Physical activities this month concern your personal possessions, home or domestic arrangements, family relationships, family-owned property or business, and real-estate transactions in general.
It’s a good time to try something new. Even if you are just trying a new restaurant for lunch, you are likely to have a good time. Try an exotic location or a café.
You may feel as if you are in the middle of a tug-of-war between what you want, what your family wants, what your significant other wants, and what your career demands. This push-me, pull-you effect may have your teeth on edge, making you snappish and irritable. The best solution for when you are not able to please everyone is to just please yourself.
You may need to deal with an unexpected event, but in reality, it has been brewing for some time. You can emerge the hero if you stay calm and try to keep your family’s best interests at heart at all times.
Overconfidence may make for loose lips today; keep your tongue under control when speaking to co-workers and neighbours. Feelings may be inadvertently hurt. It will be easy to make promises you can’t keep, so learn to say no, if someone asks you to do them a favour.
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