It’s very difficult to understand what a certain person is talking about. They aren’t making a lot of sense, or so it seems to you. What’s more, it’s highly likely that they can’t work out what you’re saying, either! It’s one of those days when you feel as though you need a translator when talking to others, so be careful not to discuss anything that requires precision or diplomacy because both are in short supply right now.
You’re still in high spirits Taurus, so enjoy! You feel like doing something exciting and daredevil today, or changing your plans if they seem a bit dreary. It’s a fabulous day for getting together with loved ones, but you might also fancy doing something sporty or athletic, especially if you can compete against others. You want to win, of course.
You aren’t always very happy about working in the background, out of the limelight, but that’s exactly what you’ve got to put up. There may be times when you feel you’re slogging away for little or no reward, but it isn’t really true. If it is, you need to start considering your options and what your next move should be.
Your temper is never far from the surface today, making you likely to go off the deep end whenever anyone annoys you. Try to reserve your anger for people who deserve it, rather than using the scattergun approach in which everyone gets peppered with barbed comments. If you want to make an official complaint, you’ll do it well provided that you aren’t sarcastic.
Once again you’re in a rather tetchy mood, and ready to lash out whenever you feel that someone’s getting at you. You’re using words like weapons, but do you have any idea how sharp and penetrating some of your comments can be? Think before you speak or at least apologize if you hurt someone’s feelings by being too critical.
You’re very impatient about getting what you want, and you don’t want to wait for it! This could make you rush straight to the head of the queue if you’re out shopping, or you might be very persistent in getting the attention you need from loved ones. Try to keep all this in proportion, otherwise, you may behave in a rather demanding and self- centred manner.
Your mind is as sharp as a razor and extremely incisive today. You’re able to look beyond the superficial to what’s really going on, particularly when it comes to analysing your own actions and motives. You’re in no mood to fool yourself, nor to baulk at thinking about unpleasant or troubling situations if that’s what’s required of you.
Tread carefully when dealing with colleagues today because you’re all feeling rather touchy. As a result, someone might make a meal out of a thoughtless comment, or you could feel slighted by a certain person’s attitude towards you. Even so, you can learn a lot about yourself right now if you’re prepared to dig deep enough and to examine your motives in the cold light of day.
There’s domestic tension in the air, so be careful. It won’t take much for someone to lose their temper, even if it’s over something that you consider to be totally trivial. The trouble is that you may unconsciously make the situation worse by winding this person up. If you want to have a row, then get it over with so you can move on to something else.
You’re feeling wonderfully optimistic and positive and determined to look on the bright side no matter what’s happening to you at the moment. There could also be some very good news, which will put an extra spring in your step and definitely give you something to smile about. It’s one of those days when you’re perfectly happy to count your blessings.
The emotional temperature rises by several degrees, leading to a hot-house atmosphere in which things are said in the heat of the moment that is bitterly regretted when everyone’s calmed down again. Try not to make things worse by dredging up old scores or being deliberately spiteful or unkind, even though it may be tempting at the time.
There’s an emotional gulf between you and certain people today, making you feel miserable and out on a limb. Try not to make too much of the whole incident because it will soon blow over. It’s even better for you to disappear by yourself for a while so you can sort things out in your own mind. But make sure everyone knows and understands what you’re doing.
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