A situation involving a friend that occurred earlier may resurface again today. This particular person may be involved in a power struggle in the career arena that you have been drawn into. Dealings with foreigners are favoured, especially if they are female.
Be cool, calm and sensible and you’ll find that you end up with things correctly and tidily done. Stick to the straight and narrow, no matter what the distractions or irritations around you. On a brighter note, a happy development involving your home, family or a joint financial matter looks promising today. This is an excellent time to make plans for extending your home or purchasing a new one.
As much as you would like to spend time with your love, it seems your career and responsibilities are getting in the way. You need to make an effort to show your partner how important they are to you – why not make plans to have a quiet dinner together tonight? It’s time to find out what your better half has been up to.
Unexpected pressure on the job add stress to your day, but by evening you are ready to relax with your partner, spouse. Take this opportunity to talk about what you’ve been going through lately. The more you can help your partner understand your experiences, the better. Make sure you allow him or her plenty of airtime, too!
You’ll thrive on mental stimulation that comes from interaction with others. Today is the beginning of a progressive period of unexpected and favourable change for you, bringing you lots of choices, including higher education, career change, and realising your hopes and dreams. Your inventive energies are at a peak.
Take this opportunity to appreciate the comforts of home now, as the pressures of your career may make it difficult for you to relax tomorrow. Curling up with a good book in your favourite chair or cuddling with your loving family members will do wonders for your soul.
Everything seems to be getting under your skin at the moment, but this is no excuse to lose your temper, and you know it. Better by far to be discreet and plough on steadily, without looking to the left or right. If you keep your feet on the ground and don’t get discouraged, there are definitely fair winds that will blow you along. It’s just a question of finding the right balance between confidence and common sense.
The current planetary influences tend to make everyone groan a bit. Life is not perfect and may be less pleasant than usual, but what can you do? Get real for one thing! That’s the way it is and once you accept this, everything becomes much easier to handle. Be solid and dutiful – qualities for which the Bull is renowned – and you’ll come out the other side with your halo polished. Focus on some undeveloped potential in your life and take the first steps towards realising it.
Disputation is in the air, but bright ideas could ease the pain. Ignore it all unless someone decides to take a piece of your hide. That’s when the sparks might really fly. Keep your head down, so that your horns don’t enter the picture. There are more important matters that require your attention, especially as Venus has interested you in cultural affairs. Why not get an ethnic takeaway.
If your goals are fairly modest in the short term, they are achievable and you’re likely to get some praise for achievements along the way. If you aim too high too quickly, others might not take you seriously or think you’re being uppity and you could come unstuck. It’s all a question of attitude and approach. There are contradictory influences over the next ten days but there could also be good luck coming your way.
You are reserved and patient, really you are, but you have this burning desire to chitchat with all and sundry about anything that comes to mind. Whilst this is a light-hearted day, quite jovial really, the easy flow of conversations with friends and neighbours may reveal juicy discoveries that might bounce back in negative ways. Nod a lot, but avoid future complications by maintaining a healthy respect for those not involved in present conversations.
Nothing has a chance of getting by you today. You feel fresh, alive and ready to take on the entire world. If there’s any mystery in the works, you’re eager to get to the bottom of it. Take as many clues from outside sources as possible. You never know where your next big idea will come from. A healing spirit can bring mysteries to light.
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