Get working on your budget and money management because it’s a good day to balance the books. You may be behind the eight ball at the moment, but with a bit of clever juggling you can put things right. Take the advice of an older person, even if you don’t like it. Be careful about mixing friendship and finances.
This will be a busy day but many will have serious matters to reflect on and will need to give thought to what’s ahead. There may be a new project in the offing or a new idea to be nurtured into life. There may be developments that have shifted the perspective on where you’re going. There might be an issue of care for someone or a break with the past.
It may be that clubs, organizations or the wider community will need your effort and energies in the time to come and you’ll have to put aside your dreams until the work is done. For some ,there may be a dispute among friends, but try and be patient. An old friend may turn up and you’ll renew your acquaintance.
A new romance blossoms, so you should make the most of it. Investment in property and shares will bring you gains. Unfortunately, a rise in medical expenses is likely for those receiving treatment.
You need to be up to speed with your home, family and emotions. Get a handle on what those close to you are feeling and thinking. If there are improvements or repairs to be done about the home, especially involving electricity, get onto them now. Mix straightforward talk with clear and practical action.
You have a massive amount of energy at your disposal. Use it well. Brilliant creative energies will emerge tonight. Sudden attractions are in the stars. This will be a good time to identify how you undercut yourself or act as your own worst enemy.
You will very likely have to go back over old ground or deal with issues or people from the past. Some Librans will travel an inner path, cutting back on external activity or even withdrawing altogether. Give attention to your emotions and the inner state.
You’ll be working harder than you generally do to fulfill the needs of family members, especially if everyone is on holiday. Although this is not the best day to ask for favour or loans, you will benefit through investment. Your health needs attention, even if it is difficult to watch your diet at the moment.
Your home or emotional life are at the forefront of your concerns at the moment. Weighty responsibilities are all around you and there may be a clash with a child or an older person. It’s up to you to keep the balance – don’t just hope for it to happen. If you’re thinking of beautifying your home, make plans to do so but don’t be surprised if there are delays before you can start.
You will be ready to make a grand entrance as today is blessing you with renewed emotional strength and energy. This is your day to shine, so don’t turn down interesting invitations. If you are entertaining in your home this evening, you are sure to be a charming host.
Even if you are not, no one will seem to notice as people have increased confidence in you! New opportunities that come your way are worth looking into. Just remember, anything that seems too good to be true usually is.
It should be easy to please and be pleased on this friendly and energetic day. Energy is high and spirits are generally optimistic, so why not plan to have some fun tonight? Get together with your mate, best friend, or partner for some good food and spirits… do something on the spur of the moment that you have always wanted to do. It will be good for your soul!
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