There are a lot of understandings and adjustments lying In every husband-wife relation. But even in love marriages husbands never share every thought with their better halves. These are some of them, which every husband want from their wifes, but they don’t tell you. Must read for every wife.
Say I love you to your husband at least once in a day
“I Love You” -These words can make magic, every husband wants their wife to tell this every time they are together.
Pay attention to husband along caring your kids
Every husband will say that their top priority in life is to secure kids and care them. But they also expect every wife should pay some attention to him as well. This is not something they can tell you, but they will make something to get your attention.
?When I don’t reply, it doesn’t mean I am keeping a secret
There are moments when he just blank out and mind stops registering things around him. During such moments when you ask something to your husband, he will just keep quiet. That’s not he behaving like angry or keeping secret from the wife. So give them a little bit time.
Yes, he is worried about his sexual performance
Call it a guy’s insecurity or obsession, he always worries about performance in the bed. They may not be vocal about it, but not being able to satisfy the woman in their life is one of their biggest worries.
?A little appreciation or praise helps
The husbands cannot tell the wife how they look forward to encouraging words from her. It feels great when she notices the small things he does for her.
She should take the lead in bed more often
Every husband will wish that my wife took the initiatives when we have sex. Husbands find it very arousing when wives take the lead. It shows that she wants him and nothing is as sexy as a woman wanting to be pleased by her man. But they won’t tell you this
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