Sitting in a certain way is what defines a woman’s modesty. From the growing up years, most women are tutored into adopting the ”right” sitting posture, which would mean, sitting with their legs crossed or at least keeping them closer.
However, this has made a lot of women juxtapose their practiced way of sitting to that of men, thus questioning their casual way of sitting with legs spread apart. This, in turn, sparked off debates about the right to space, with most men occupying more area, especially in public transports, as compared to women.
In one of their latest endeavors, a lot of women have taken to social media. The pictures are being posted with the hashtag ”woman spreading”, as a fitting retort to men’s way of sitting or what is popularly called manspreading.
The word ”manspreading” is practice whereby a man, especially one traveling on public transport, adopts a sitting position with his legs wide apart, in such a way as to encroach on an adjacent seat”.
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